Miyerkules, Hulyo 6, 2011

what drive your life....?

you lord, give perfect peace to these who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you....point to ponder..living on porpuse is the path to peace question...
what would my family and friend say is driving force of my life..
what do i want to be?
    everyone life is driven by something most..dictionaries defined the verb drive as to guide to control, or to direct???whether you are driving a car a nail, or a golf ball,,you are guiding controlling and directing it at that moment what is the driving force in your life..
    many people are driven by golf,,resentment and anger feur,,materialism or the expeditions of others,,this journal will,,help yu live a porpuse driven life guided..controled and directed by gods..porpuse nothingsmatters more than knowing god's porpuse for your life...
we are all products of our past but we dont have to be prisoner of it..god;s porpuse is notlimeted by your past..he can turn a morderer mouses..intolender coward  giden into a caregeous hero and he can do amazing things with the rest of  your life.........the egelloc stneduts...mark anthony combate

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